Mission MYnded International Foundation is a 501 (c)(3), Christian-based, non-profit organization that unifies local churches with its international brethren to meet the spiritual, physical and educational needs of their communities. We believe in the Church fulfilling the Great Commission. Therefore, our core focus is to help churches and organizations establish and build their foreign missions departments. We also provide outlets for churches and individuals that want to develop their mission ministries; whether it’s going on mission’s trips, child sponsorship programs, supporting missionaries abroad, or global building projects such as building schools, churches and fresh water wells. We provide trainings and workshops to introduce churches to foreign missions. We conduct fund raising with churches based off the Acts 2:44 synergistic model of people pooling resources for the mutual benefit of all. We provide periodical presentations to donors updating them on the impact of their donations. We partner with ministries and organizations that are in foreign countries providing humanitarian ministry.
This is achieved by a 3-pronged approach: By EDUCATING, EQUIPPING and EMPOWERING individuals properly, they can be effective vessels of compassion.
Research has shown that a vast amount of people don’t participate in world missions because they are either uninformed or misinformed of what it entails. Mission MYnded seeks to clarify any misconceptions by providing a thorough training about cultural differences and any other concerns they may have.
It is the goal of Mission MYnded to ensure that everyone involved with its organization is properly equipped to serve in the particular area that their gifting and passion guides them. We leverage our partnerships with ministries that are already immersed in global initiatives to prepare individuals for servant leadership.
Mission MYnded serves as an extension of the local church to help churches establish or build their mission department; inspire members to broaden their ministerial scope and take the Gospel outside of the four walls of the church and to the four corners of the earth.